Sunday Easy Ride to Tatton Park


There were 7 of us out today battling a strong wind in the sunshine.

We waited for Kirsten before we set off from Wilmslow, she was running a little late, and then I punctured after about 15 minutes. Vinny, Dan, Gawsworth John and Martin came to the rescue, with an impressive team effort to fix it, Jim's contribution was some much needed wet wipes at the end (we always wondered what was in that rucksack!) It was a head wind out most of the way into Ashley, so we shortened the route slightly to take us more directly to the Tatton Park Rostherne entrance. We arrived at the cafe, only to find that we had mislaid Gawsworth John, somewhere on our way through the park. He turned up after about 5 minutes, and we joined the queue for hot breakfasts. Unfortunately the servers were starting to run out and switch over to lunch food. Kirsten was at the front of the queue and managed to get a full English, but those at the back had to make do with beans on toast. The cafe was busy, but it has enough seating to cope with large numbers. On our way out of the park, heading for the Knutsford gate, Paul R put in a guest appearance, heading in the opposite direction. He did a U turn and joined us as we circumnavigated Knutsford. Vinny decided to head back to Macclesfield direct from Knutsford, and Paul R followed suit about 5 minutes later. The rest of us headed back to Wilmslow, with some wind assistance, and some judicious route shortening. Our final mileage was 20 miles for those who started from Wilmslow, but it felt like a lot more due to the wind strength.


Refuelled and ready to go again!

Refuelled and ready to go again!