Easier Training Ride Thursday 4th April


It might have been the first ride @ 10-2-7 since the clocks went forward but it certainly wasn’t a summer ride.

With wind, rain and washed out roads I wouldn’t have been to disappointed if there had been nobody at Broken X and I could have turned straight back home. But Bennett rolled up (he’s keen that lad) so we did a two up on a slightly modified route; Byley, three Greyhounds then right onto Townfield Lane and back through Goostrey.

We opted to head up Redesmere reasoning it might be more sheltered than Pexhill and it was relatively, but up at Whirley past the water tower and back to Broken X into a block headwind and horizontal rain was as hard as Artist lane ever is.

Average speed to the right turn onto Townfield Lane; 20+ mph, average speed back to Macc; -15mph.

Thanks for being a positive influence and keeping the spirits up Bennett. Maybe one Thursday soon we will be able to get our summer bikes out.