Just a Ride - Ride Report


Seven set off on the first Just a ride of the decade.

Enjoying the mild temperature at the Cenotaph was Alison, Sue E, James G, Rob M, Nigel and a welcome return to Mike C still suffering from a bad cold.

We decided to ride the standard JAR route clockwise heading out towards Sutton and Fool’s Nook, where unfortunately James was forced to retire due to a mechanical with the rear brakes. Sadly bike manufacturers haven’t got round to installing a brake wear indicator light, so we rely on the audible warning system given when metal grinds on metal. Nevertheless he did do the decent thing and joined us in the pub later to buy a round, so he’s forgiven.

The rest of us continued despite the rain coming down, and we made our way around the town passing Birtles, Prestbury and Bollington.

Heading out of Kerridge the trailing ride leader accompanied by Sue took a last second decision to take the easier route back to Macc via Hurdsfield Road leaving the rest to do the honours and climb over to Rainow before dropping down Buxton Road.

Once reunited we enjoyed a good old chinwag over a few drinks and look forward to more adventures this year.

Stats: I don’t know, twenty something miles, back in the pub before 9pm.


Ride ReportPhil Kitchman