Summer Can't Last Forever


The steady training ride continued its transition to winter last night with mudguards / winter bikes and good lights required.

Like last week just two of us kept the flame burning for the ride, Rich and your’s truly cracked on changing every two minutes. All went smoothly until Marthall Lane when Rich’s front light bounced off, that was quickly back on and working, definitely a very minor incident compared with the last one on that lane .

On the very final ramp before the top of Pexhill it was your correspondent's turn on the front but Rich was doing such a good job I let him do an extra 30 seconds to take us over the line . I was happy enough to have done a 30 mile 2-up in less than ideal conditions at a good winter training ride pace.

I don't know when it stopped raining but it did and it's fair to say it wasnt looking very promising at kitting up time. Importantly we both knew there was going to be someone else in the car park at Broken X (which hasn't always been the case) thanks to our dedicated Whats App group. If you want to be added just let me know, the only prerequisite is your ok with the parameter’s of the ride. There’s an email link and description on the here:

Ride ReportFred Wardle