Easier Training Ride @ 10-2-7 17th October


It wasn’t a promising start, then the main event went well but it wasn’t an ideal finish

A few spots of rain at Broken X and Andy was forecasting a monsoon which prompted some capeing up but a more positive outlook was the blue (ish) sky over yonder so when we got down to Siddington the ride was interrupted for de capeing.

After the re start nine of us worked well together all going through at 20+ mph. It slowed to -20 on the drag up to Seven Sisters and onward but so what we were all still together and going through on Welsh Row which isn’t always the case.

Chris🥇 was first over the line at the Wizard, then Snowy🥈 and Jim🥉 who only started with us a few months ago grabbed the last podium place. Good sensible riding also from the rest of the gang; Rachel, Dave, Rich and Fozzy.

Unfortunately what would have been a very good night ended badly when Rachel clattered of thanks to a bad pothole on Wrigley Lane. She was not surprisingly shaken, took a bit of a knock and cut on her head and has some fractures in her hand. That’s not good but as we know it could have been worse. As cyclists we often have things to say about inconsiderate motorists but their not all bad, two stopped and helped out, one took Rachel to A&E and the other took her bike home, they were a big help.

Yours truly Fred W wont be out next week but the ride will still be on. Andy has had plenty of practice shouting up steady and he can be persuaded to head of down Pexhill even if there is a spot of rain.

Let’s all hope Rachel is back on her bike as soon as possible carrying on where she’s left of…….getting stronger and stronger.💪💪

Ride ReportFred Wardle