Wednesday Club Run to Meerbrook.


Hilly ride to Meerbrook via The Brickworks, Pym Chair, Axe Edge, Flash and the Roaches.

Confident about the forecast improvement in the weather for the day, 8 riders (Moray, two Daves, two Steves, Chris, Richard and Raph) set off from sheltering under the trees at South Park to conquer The Brickworks, Pym Chair, Axe Edge and the Roaches before stopping for lunch at Tittesworth.  By this time the rain had given way to blue skies and even some sunshine and set us up for a homeward route via Rudyard and the Cloud.  With Steve B and Dave H having opted for a shorter route home  we were down to six for the final ride back to Macc. 

One of the highlights of the ride was definitely the ride along the Goyt Valley from Errwood Reservoir to Derbyshire Bridge.  As this road was closed to motor vehicles as a result of a landslip it was even quieter than usual and just as scenic.  Other highlights included a little diversion to Brandside to avoid the traffic on the A53 and the descent from Flash to Goldsitch Moss.  The ride stats were 53 miles with 5600 feet of climbing at an average speed of around 11 mph.   


Dave and Moray at Pym Chair

Dave and Chris at Derbyshire Bridge

Descent to Meerbrook

Chris, Dave, Dave, Richard and Steve at Tittesworth

Goyt Valley road ( a day later)

Lego bricks road closure

Ride ReportRaphael Murray