Easier Training Ride @ 10-2-7. 18th July


We had another good turnout and I’am having to learn how to count more than 10.

The mixed ability group kept a good pace up with twelve of us working hard. It got a bit slower on Seven Sisters and not as smooth after so there’s still room for improvement, but that’s still better than it all breaking up on the drag up from Lower Peover as can easily happen.

Three rider’s were on their third chain gang; Kirsten O, Griff P and James G have all done well. If we all stick at it together with the other newbies and relativity newbies we’ve had out over the summer everyone will benefit in the coming weeks and months.

Starting from the back Chris S made a late bid for glory on Artist Lane but had to settle for third over the line with Rich T second and Mark W first. Then it was a pretty big gap to myself Fred W who was happy enough to shave a couple of seconds of. Just behind me James was giving it full beans, then Fozzy R and Andy R seemed to have started their effort a bit late and I cant remember where Mike C ended up but he was defo in there somewhere. Jill W was looking stronger on the climb and Kirsten also shaved a couple of seconds of her best to cap of a gutsy ride. Mark B sensibly wasn’t interested in shaving any seconds off nor were Vinney P and Griff who had started at the back and finished in the same position. Fair play to them tho, its not compulsory to batter yourself that hard.

Mark H had the easiest ride of the night hung on the back for the duration as he had been a very disruptive influence on his last outing (to say the least). By rights he should spend the duration next time punching on the front but that’s probably not a very good idea and anyway he can take orders from Andy R who is stepping in as ride leader for the next two and will have good support from the other experienced regulars. Seriously tho no matter how confident you are in your own ability when riding in a tight group it’s far more important that the other riders have confidence in you.

The camera wasn’t rolling this week so there’s no clips sorry, but we have been talent spotted by a very prestigious production company. Filming will start in a few weeks so there is time over the next couple to get the chain gang absolutely perfect. No pressure Andy.