Dodging storms on the Easy Ride to Goostrey


After some careful checking of various weather forecasts we decided to have a shortish ride to Goostrey Home and Leisure to get us back before the next storm.

Michelle, Alison and Alison's partner went for an early ride from Macclesfield, whilst Tim and Mark H went for extra bonus miles by riding over to Wilmslow for the 10.30am start. They were joined by Jim, John and myself, and we rode at a comfortable pace into a headwind and some light rain. There were some large puddles and a few drivers going for the kamikaze approach to overtaking on bends, but we made it safely to the cafe.

We said a quick hello to Michelle who was just leaving, waved to Alison and partner in the cafe, found Simon Ga who had done a solo ride over and got ourselves organised into outdoor and indoor dining groups. The service was good and the food was excellent, including home made soup.

We rode back through Goostrey, then split into a Macc group and a Wilmslow group, and enjoyed a relatively dry ride with a tail wind. I punctured shortly before the Frozen Mop, but John fixed it with his usual speed, and Jim's pliers were very handy for removing the culprit thorn.

Another good ride for 8 of us despite the weather!



Early shift!

Outdoor dining

Another week, another puncture