Easy riding out of August


With some of the usual riders away tackling Wild Wales, there was just 8 of us out on today's Sunday easy ride to Great Budworth, including my neighbour Geoff, out on his first ride with the club - welcome!

We headed out through Mobberley, had a brief stop on Graveyard Lane to view the 17th century Quaker graveyard, then cut through the lanes to the outskirts of Knutsford. Our route out of Knutsford took us through Over Tabley, then on the shortest possible route to Great Budworth church hall. I was keen to make sure that there would still be plenty of home made cake, so may have gone a little faster than usual. I needn't have worried, there was a great cake choice, and Alison even found a gluten free tray bake. The church ladies are used to cyclists, and provided us with a huge pot of tea. There was a new outdoor awning, and we managed to rearrange tables so that we could sit together and have a choice of sun or shade.

I tried to ride a little slower on the return journey, but added a mile on by taking the wrong road out of Knutsford and rerouting via Marthall. Susie had a close encounter with a wall as we headed across a small cattle grid near the Plough and Flail, but avoided damage to herself or her bike. We were back by 4.30pm, which meant that the Red Bus tea room was still open, so Griff, Jim and I went for some more refreshments. Griff had been cycling in the hills this morning, so needed it.

Last Thursday's extra easy ride saw 3 of us tackling the Bollington and Rainow hills to visit Farm Made tearooms. Our last Thursday ride for this summer's season will be this coming Thursday, 1st September.



Geoff, Jim, Mark, Fiona, Griff, Susie, Alison at Great Budworth

Michael, me and Lisa at Farm Made tearooms