Sunday Easy Ride to Plumley


8 of us made it to the cafe at Plumley garden centre in time for breakfast on today's easy ride.

7 of us set off from Lindow car park, following John, whose Garmin immediately went into sulk mode. We ended up going right instead of left, and John did some ad-hoc route amendments to get us back on the shortest possible route. Meanwhile Martin had spotted that the intended route passed very close to home, so had saved a couple of miles by starting from there instead of Lindow. He only found us when he arrived at Plumley, by which time we had all ordered and the queue was much shorter. 5 light breakfasts and 3 full breakfasts later we set off again on a longer route back, via Knutsford. John foiled the one way system by taking us through Booths car park, which reminded me that I needed to call in, so I made my own way back from there. Other riders today were Rob, Jim, Griff, Simon R and Gawsworth John.


Cyclist friendly gifts at Plumley

Cyclist friendly gifts at Plumley