Sunday Easy Ride to Chester


We stayed dry today on our annual ride to Chester, which we all enjoyed after having to miss it last year

20 riders set out from Broken Cross/ Siddington, I joined them at Shakerley Mere, and Lisa joined us at our first cafe stop at the Shirehorse centre. We had a tail wind to Chester, and the lanes were relatively quiet.

We had lunch on the riverside in Chester, spreading our custom between various cafes, kiosks and Waitrose. We headed back out of Chester along the tow path, and for part of it the best surface of the day!

Back on the road Jack hit a pothole and punctured, so we split into 2 groups. I led the first group, mainly from the back, as my group sped up a very long hill. Eventually there was just Paul R and me, and the others were out of sight as we approached Cotebrook. Paul knew a short cut so we ended up back in front, to the surprise of the others. It was just as well they hadn't stopped and waited for me!

I was soon navigating from the back again, and we overshot a right turn, turned around and met John's group as they turned at the correct point. We all made it to the final cafe stop at Shipbrook, although Rachel had to get home so didn't stop.

Another great day out!


Shirehorse centre

Shirehorse centre

Untangling the bikes after the first cafe stop

Untangling the bikes after the first cafe stop

Lunch on the riverside

Lunch on the riverside


3rd cafe stop!