Sunday Easy Ride to Blaze Farm


There were 9 of us out on 2 wheels and one on 4 wheels for today's chilly and hilly easy ride to Blaze Farm.

Gwen, Adele, Simon G, Gawsworth John, Brian, and Italian guest rider Angelo met John J and myself at Broken X. Angelo is in the UK for 3 months, and comes from a flat part of Italy, so we fitted in a few hilly scenery photo stops on the way. John J led the ride, and I kept Gawsworth John company at the back. Yvonne caught up with us shortly before the cafe, which was not too busy and toasty warm. Simon R met us there on 4 wheels, having woken up to a leaky boiler which needed sorting before he could go out. Our return journey was equally scenic looping through Wildboarclough and Macclesfield Forest, and we made it back to Macclesfield just before 2pm and before some heavy rain. The numbers were 23 miles cycled, 1850 feet of climbing and average speed a little over 10mph.


After refuelling at the cafe

After refuelling at the cafe



One of Angelo’s photos

One of Angelo’s photos