Larkling Ride: Hassop Station


Predicted record Easter temperatures brought every man and his dog (and two small children) out into the Peaks.

Decent turnout for the Lark ride, but a meagre three for the Larkling ride: Euan, Greg and myself. I think some had been tempted away by the pop up ride to Carsington, with others doing the 10 mile time trial. Still, the show must go on!

It was summer best bikes out all round, I was the only one still with my mudguards on (I must get onto that, now summer is here yeah?).

With the smell of Ambre Solaire thick in the air we headed off into the hills. We stayed with the Larks until Sutton, at which point they headed into Langley and we carried on up Hollin Lane. Over to Allgreave, Goldsitch Moss and Longnor, all standard. Out of Longnor we went up the Crowdecote climb which I had never done before. Not too bad, but busy with traffic. Fromthere on it was lovely quiet lanes most of the way over to the lunch stop at Hassop Station.

The place was heaving as expected but we somehow got in at a lull in the queue so service was reasonably fast. We were sat in the sun, frying. The Larks turned up about 30 mins after us. We were sat overlooking the Monsal Trail. Greg did float the idea of heading back along there but seeing how incredibly busy it was we decided to just stick to the plan.

Upon leaving we retraced our steps back through Ashford In The Water and then back up the nasty Sheldon climb, not ideal with a belly full of molten cheese!

Euan and Greg, after the Flagg Lane climb (with all its false summits).

Euan and Greg, after the Flagg Lane climb (with all its false summits).

Once we were up on the tops it was beautiful riding all the way over to Harpur Hill. From there it was onto the Cat & Fiddle climb out of Buxton. This was not as bad as usual (sure it was busy with traffic) but the wind was behind us for once. After a quick regroupment at the top we said our farewells, as Greg was going down into Macc Forest, and Euan and myself were going to head off toward Teggs Nose on the way back.

An awesome ride out into the hills with lovely weather and beautiful scenery. Cheers Chris.
