Easier Training Ride Thursday 11th April 2019


Eight or us headed down Pexhill at 10-2-7 last night but only six of us came back up Artist Lane

Rachel peeled of on the A50 to save her legs for the 25 on Saturday (probably a wise move), Vinney retired after Ollerton, he said because his calves were tightening up…..its strange how a big session in the pub the night before can effect your lower leg muscles. Fair play to him tho he was going well till then considering he was the only one on a winter bike.

Prospective new member Jim was a first timer and did a strong ride. I’am sorry I didn’t recognize you in in cycling gear Jim, from doing circuits every week years ago and don’t worry if you felt you faded a bit on the last thrash back from the Wizard to Broken X. That’s to be expected after a fast ride for the main event.

Rich T with Bennett G hot on his wheel gaped us all on Artist Lane, yours truly Fred W headed up the rest: Dave A and Col on his first ride for two weeks keeping Jim company.

I probably won’t be out myself next week (saving my legs for the next day) but the ride will be on and the regulars all know the drill.

Ride ReportFred Wardle