Easier Training ride @ 10-2-7 30th jan


Nine of us met up for the ride last night and headed of down Pexhill.

Jill, Andy, Fozzy, Boothy, Mark, Steve, Ant, Christian and Fred were joined by the men in black, Carl and Lee at Siddington X roads. We were glad to have another two helping out, plugging into a strong headwind it was a lot nicer at the back of of the chain gang than at the front .

After the turn north at Byley it got very swirly. Maybe we were going that fast little eddies like tornadoes were forming in the gaps particularly the one behind "the wall" we all like to hide behind, so we need to concentrate on closing those down as quickly as possible in future or better still not letting them happen in the first place.

Because we don’t want to discourage people from trying the ride out its top secret (unless you know your way round strava) what average speed we manage each week but rest assured its always within the 16 to 20 mph zone as advertised and tends to be at the lower end of that range in the winter. For the record last night the complete circuit back to Broken X was 0.3 mph slower than last week (windier) but last week we lost 0.2 mph going up Pexhill where as this week despite the men In black having both peeled of to head home into that headwind (lucky them) we kept up the same average speed from Siddington X roads up to Broken X.

Actually we started up Pexhill fairly steady which meant some of us could stay on a little longer. then round Dark Lane/ Bearhust lane the Hammer went down. Boothy took it over the line for the first time 🏆. Well done and Mark’s proof that turning out regularly on the 10-2-7 ride gets you stronger. (but being a yorkshireman he’s still has a lot to learn about drinking proper beer🍻)

Ride ReportFred Wardle