Easier Training ride @ 10-2-7 on 5th march


Two novice rider’s picked a good night with little wind and relativity dry road’s.

Novices to training rides not to cycling or the club that is. Simon on his first and Jochen on about his 3rd and definatley first for a good while. Both rode sensibly and strongly in what was a mostly a slick chain gang.

We reverted to the Pinfold Lane/ Cheford/ Congleton Lane circuit and it did get a bit untidy going up the latter, but the main event is nearly over by then and everyone worked hard enough. On the final push back up Pexhill a break went of the front with Mark 1 & Christian dragging Ant and Fozzy over the Line at Broken X. After parking up on the long ramp up past Bubblitex Fred got his second wind and got those four back in his sights but couldn’t make the contact, Jochen was hard on Fred’s wheel and then it was Andy, Mark 2, Dave and Simon.

Thanks to good riding in fair conditions it was one of, if not the quickest round that circuit. We were all finished about 8.40 and that was after Ant had held us up twice, a weak bladder at Seven Sisters and then a puncture on Marthall Lane. You would have thought he could have combined them into one stop to save us time😎.

So lets hope the conditions keep improving and it would be good to get some more novice rider’s joining us, not long now and it will be still light @ 10-2-7.