New Rider's Out @ 6.30 Chain Gang


It was good to have two new rider’s and one returning for his second turning out for the steady training ride @ 6.30 last night.

A bit of a tailwind meant a fast start but unusually we were more ragged for the first few miles than further on. At the A50 I suggested we knocked it down a peg or two anticipating that may pay dividend’s later when it was bound to get harder with a slight breeze trying to push us back a bit. That worked as seven of us got into a good rhythm for the rest of the circuit plus Fozzy and new rider Dave at the back but just about keeping in contact. 

As we got back to Siddington we were still all going through slickly and that continued on the start back up Pexhill then at Bubblytex Bartosz smashed it all to bits💪. That was when I decided it was time to start my taper for Wild Wales 🤪 but Rich, Pete and Sarah chased. That one ended Bartosz 🥇Sarah 🥈on her first outing with us 👏 and Pete 🥉. Rich made a brave effort but lost contact with those three and next with yours truly was Phil on his second chain gang who had a faster finish even if he was starting to cramp up. Col was a few seconds behind then it was Fozzy (Mr save a bit started his taper earlier than me 😎)  followed by Dave who was last up on his first outing but there’s certainly no shame in that and he was still smiling.  

We should be getting  round in daylight for the next few weeks so if your thinking about it now is a good time to give it a go and get used to riding in a well paced tight disciplined group.

Ride ReportFred Wardle