Social Easy Bike Ride


Seven braved the 9 o’clock blustery hail shower and met at Sutton Hall. We were rewarded with some really quite decent weather, good company and an enjoyable easy ride.

Me (Alison), Gawsworth John, Jim, Garry, Bruce, Mark and a special welcome to Karen out with Macclesfield Wheelers for the second time.

We headed through Gurnett and round the south of Macclesfield for a little bit of gentle off road up Penningtons lane.  Then on to go down Lower Pexhill and on to Siddington. We made a good pace Karen making it look very easy on her e-bike and I didn’t have to pedal too much on the back of the tandem with Bruce on the front putting in most of the work! the wind blew us home via Marton and Gawsworth. Back over the hills in record time to return to Sutton Hall just before noon for some welcome coffee.

Selfie from the back of the tandem

Well done to all, a very enjoyable ride. Looking forward to more as we move into spring - hope to see you out again soon.


After ride refreshments in Sutton Hall

Ride ReportAlison Fenwick