Lark Ride to Norley


Ten riders, 63 miles, mostly the route we would have done on Wed if we hadn’t wimped out on account of the rain.

My average speed? Haven’t a clue as my Garmin switched itself off on the return leg. Again. But at the cafe I was pleased to see it was 16.4 mph, and for once I hadn’t been struggling, and didn’t on the way back either. But then I was on my Big Boys’ Bike. Next week I may take the stabilisers off.


Larklings and Larks meet at the sign of La Petite Frog, featuring Francois, ‘born’ 1979, and therefore younger than any of those pictured, who are, let the record state: Simon, Ian, Richard (Larklings), Raph, Dave, Steve, Mike, Jochen, Andrew, Russe…

Larklings and Larks meet at the sign of La Petite Frog, featuring Francois, ‘born’ 1979, and therefore younger than any of those pictured, who are, let the record state: Simon, Ian, Richard (Larklings), Raph, Dave, Steve, Mike, Jochen, Andrew, Russell (Larks). Larks late to the party: Christian, Bennet, one of whom is younger than Francois (just). Answers on a postcard please.

Ride ReportChris Cottom