Wednesday Club Run to Delamere
Another damp drizzly day turned out drier than forecast and provided a good roll out along the Cheshire lanes.
With low cloud over the Peak the sensible route option was to head west for a circuit of some Cheshire lanes with a lunch stop at Delamere station. The four of us (Dave, Andy, Chris and Raph) avoided the temptation to get the train back to Macc and headed home via Dutton Locks on the River Weaver. The sun made a brief appearance but the usually firm gravel track along the river bank appeared to have been churned up and turned into a quagmire by a herd of cattle combined with several days rain. Barely passable on a road bike but unlikely to repeat this route until this track has dried out and been reinstated. Apart from this and some rather mucky tarmac in places it was good to get the wheels turning and we made good time back to Macc in daylight. A good 57 miles at around 14mph. Raph
Four wrecks on the banks of the Weaver (Raph, Dave, sinking ship and Andy
57 mile route to Delamere