Easier Training Ride @ 10-2-7 on 22nd August
Down Pexhill then westwards towards the A50 into the headwind we kept at a steady pace everyone was comfortable with. At the Three Greyhounds turn we picked up a nice tailwind which stayed with us most of the way back and since we hadn’t gone of to hard we capitalised on that with a increase in pace. Little gaps that started on the drags up were soon closed down with sensible group riding and everyone was still on and going through on Welsh Row which isn’t always the case.
Ladies and Vet’s ruled on Artist Lane🥇🥈🥉, Mark W (only) just managed to get over the line ahead of Daisy who went under the 5 min mark for the first time on the climb💪 and Ant taking a week of from the fast chain gang took the third spot on the podium.
Daisy and Elliot have both been out for the last three on the run so we will count them as regulars now. Interestingly even though there were considerably fewer of us we did faster average speeds than the last two weeks so credit as well for a good overall performance not just on Artist Lane to; Griff, Rachel, Jill, Mark B, Fozzie, Dave A, Andy and Fred W.
Daisy looking strong on Artist Lane