Sunday Easy Ride to Goostrey 2 Dec 2018
15 out on today's easy ride to Goostrey, including Rob and Gawsworth John on their first Sunday ride. We took a longish route out via Knutsford, with a slight navigational quirk near Goostrey, resulting in a split into 2 groups. The smaller group followed Simon G along the correct route, arriving at the cafe, just as the rest of the group arrived with John J from the opposite direction! The cafe was very full, with 2 other cycling groups already in as well as Christmas shoppers. We did all get a seat and food, plus we missed the worst of the rain.
Yellow, the new orange!
The sun came out as we set off again, on a much more direct route home. The other riders out today were Gwen, Adele, Sue, Alison, Yvonne, Helena and Josh, Simon R, Mark H, and Martin and I were in sheep dog mode.
The more colourful riders!
Sheepdog’s view at the back of the bunch
Martin passed on his unique ride leader tips. These are never admit that you have made a navigational error, if anyone notices tell them either that it is a short cut, or that it's flatter. You get extra points if you take them along the same stretch of road twice without anyone noticing. An extra bonus if anyone's Garmin gets so confused that it resets itself. He will be leading the ride in a couple of weeks, so watch out!