Sunday Easy Ride to Wheelock 11 Nov 2018


14 riders out for today's easy ride from Macclesfield out to Wheelock Hall via Lower Withington's war memorial.

We arrived just behind the police car closing the road very near to the memorial, so parked our bikes there and congregated across the road from the locals gathered around. They had started early so we only just made it in time, the minute silence, bugle rendition of the Last Post, laying of wreaths and singing of the National Anthem were all complete by 11am!

We cycled through Goostrey and Holmes Chapel and only just missed their processions, the roads were just being reopened. John had promised some new roads, these turned out to be mainly bridlepaths. We practiced our bike handling skills and decided that some mud was very fitting for remembering WW1.


Enjoying the autumn sunshine and fabulous tree colours today were Gwen, Lucia, Adele, Kirsten, Alison and Gruff (Griff with a sore throat), Janette, Jen and Kev, Simon G, Simon R, Paul R, John leading and me.


Ride ReportChris Cottom