Just a Ride is Still Just a Ride: 10 Sep 2020
JAR Thursday 10th Sept 6.30pm prompt at the Cenotaph
Probably have two groups depending numbers and on what suits people. Both groups will probably ride the same route. I’ll try and accommodate everyone, depending on the numbers. Easy pace, all welcome.
So we can get back to meeting up as normal but avoid any risk of a group of over 6 can the faster riders go to the northern side of the Cenotaph and those looking for a steadier pace go to the southern side. We can then form into suitable small groups. We will trial this this week and see how it goes prior to the new rules coming into force on Monday.
Let's do the standard JAR route this week https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31347814 as it is a little flatter and easier to cut short to welcome any newer riders from the Saturday Socials rides or those returning from holiday!
Please note: Groups will be restricted to no more than six riders. Non-members must email me with contact info for track and trace. alison.f@macclesfieldwheelers.org.uk
Do not attend if you have been diagnosed with Covid-19, or if you are showing any symptoms
All riders will be deemed to have consented to their contact details being made available to the Government for contact tracing purposes if needed
All participants must conform to current social distancing guidelines and avoid clearing their throats or noses while riding in the group
Route this week : JAR Standard route CW
Any questions email to
Meet at
The Cenotaph, Park Green at 18:30.
JAR Meeting Plan