Annual Report 2021


Chair Comments

We have emerged from a difficult 2020 into a stronger and more vibrant 2021. There have been many challenges since the last AGM but I believe that with the relaxing of the pandemic constraints we have moved forward as a club. Events that were mothballed in 2020 have started to re-emerge and we anticipate that this trend will continue in 2022. Our ride calendar has started to fill up again and we have had enough activity to attract a healthy number of new members through the year.

We have also evolved the club’s external visibility via representation at National events, promotional website and YouTube content for The Hillclimb Project run by
Bhima Bowden and via the improvements introduced by Ollie Smyth on our social media profile, all of which has really helped showcase all the club’s activities and members.

Despite difficult circumstances there is much to celebrate from 2021 and even more to look forward to in 2022, with a growing number of things for you all to be involved in with the club.

Thank you all for your continued contributions, see you out on the road!
— Annual Report